Matterport™ 3D Virtual Tours
$250 - up to 3,000 ft²
+$50 per 1000 ft² after 3,000 ft²
Includes direct link to Matterport 3D™ virtual tour.
Editing of 3D scans
Include 3 Months of virtual tour hosting.
Estimated capture time
1-3,000 ft²: 1-3 hours
3,000-12,000 ft²2: 2-6 hours
12,000-30,000 ft²: 5-8 hours
30,000 ft²+: 8+ Hours
$50 Matterpak Download
$50 Mattertags
$40 Still Image Extraction
$30 Schematic Floorplan
$30 Room Labeling
$10/Month Tour Hosting
$150 Scan Transfer
Aerial Photography & Video
$200 per home/property
+50 per 100 acres over 50 acres
Includes aerial photography at all 8 points that include the entire property, then 8 points
that focuses on home/building (if applicable)
Includes overhead (bird’s eye view) of property and home/building
Includes fly around video of property and home/building (if applicable), with basic edit
for use on media platform.
Addition cost of $25 to include proprietary intro and/or logo/bug
Includes rights to use all photos and video and editing to meet system requirements.
Real Estate Photography
$150 - up to 3,000 ft²
+$25 per 1000 ft² after 3,000 ft²
Includes photos of each room in home, using photography lighting when needed.
Includes basic edits of each photo, and post-processed to work with your system.
Package Pricing
$50 - $150+ OFF
Any purchase that includes a combination of Matterport 3D™ virtual tour, Aerial
Video/Photography, and/or Indoor property photography, as described above, for one property on the same day, will be eligible for a package discount. Please contact John Goodman at (435)232-5806 for more information.
Travel Costs
Any location more than 50 miles from Logan, UT will incur a $0.50/mile total round-trip mileage charge. Any location requiring an overnight stay will be incur further travel costs (i.e., hotel, food, etc.)
*All prices are negotiable and individual packages can be created and modified as needed.